We work with web designers, as well as directly with businesses and code amazing web functionality.

We've been working with Wordpress regularly since 2004 during the earliest releases. We know the core inside and out.
We are familiar with, or adapt quickly to, many theme frameworks such as Gantry, WARP, or one-offs from lone theme developers, and we have worked with thousands of plugins.

Joomla is a powerful, highly structured and well organized CMS. It has a solid place in the website CMS world - Wordpress hasn't conquered everything yet - and we've been working with it for many, many years. Until 2013, HaveAByte's own site was a Joomla system.

Responsive is a web design approach that ensures your site looks great on any screen size. We go beyond "responsive because the template is responsive" - when necessary, we create or modify Responsive code directly.

We've written millions of lines of PHP and Perl, created thousands of databases, built and host countless websites in the LAMP stack. We own and administer servers in multiple datacenters running LAMP and WHM/cPanel. It's a versatile platform that can do virtually anything your website or web application requires. We also do Perl, PHP, MySQL, and MS SQL in Windows environments.

We have coded extensively in JQuery and AJAX to accomplish feats of web wizardry that can make pages feel almost magical. These technologies allow websites to behave more like desktop applications, and are key to the modern web.

Javascript - the logic behind the layout, and much more. We coded in JavaScript back when it only worked in one browser - Netscape, and have followed its evolution since. We even created a working adventure game engine with it, just for fun.

To work effectively with HTML and CSS, it helps to have a deep understanding of their history, their roots. It helps predict unexpected outcomes and avoid painting one's self into a corner, at great cost to the customer. Our knowledge and passion of HTML and CSS are equally deep, dating back to HyperCard on the Mac in 1987.