AyaNovaPanel for HaveAByte (Demonstration Only)

Developed by HaveAByte, this page is your central control center for AyaNova.

Description URL
HaveAByte Demo AyaNova WBI (Web Browser Interface) http://ayanovademo.haveabyte.com/WBI
HaveAByte Demo AyaNova MBI (Mobile Browser Interface).  Point your BlackBerry, Palm, to this address. http://ayanovademo.haveabyte.com/MBI
HaveAByte Demo AyaNova DataPortal / Windows Software interface AyaNovaHaveAByteSetup.exe
Your AyaNova configuration file (for connecting the local AyaNova software to the hosted database.  Install this into C:\Program Files\Ground Zero Tech-Works Inc\AyaNova) config.txt
(Right-click to save to hard disk)
Backup your database now and download the backup file.  We recommend you do this at least once per week! Backup
Delete a Customer Service Request.  Excludes CSRs that are still attached to a workorder - you must delete the Workorder first from AyaNova before the related CSR can be deleted here. DeleteCSR
Run a SQL command of your own design against the database and return an Excel-friendly CSV file. SQLtoCSV
(runs some_query.sql)
Run a SQL command of your own design against the database and show the results on a page.  Hides long IDs to make tables more readable but reveals the IDs on-click. SQLtoHTML
Upload files to share via workorder attachments.  Drag URLs into AyaNova instead of dragging files from a local hard drive.  This lets users at all of your locations to access the workorder attachments. File Upload for Attachments
Browse uploaded files.  Select from uploaded files to attach to AyaNova workorders. File Browser for Attachments


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