HaveAByte & AyaNova - AyaNova Licenses

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Add Ons

You do NOT need to buy licenses if you have already purchased them through AyaNova! 
Any licenses you already have are usable with our service and remain under your name.

AyaNova v4.x Schedulable User License
You need one of these for each employee or person to whom you will schedule (or assign) work to be done.
$199 or less
AyaNova WBI v4.x add-on (web browser interface)
Web browser interface.  Required for HaveAByte managed AyaNova service.
AyaNova MBI v4.x optional add-on (mobile browser interface)
Optional Mobile Browser Interface, for use with internet-enabled phones, Palms, iPhones, Blackberries, and similar devices.
AyaNova QBI V4.x optional add-on (QuickBooks interface)
QuickBooks accounting interface - create QuickBooks invoices from billable AyaNova workorders, import QuickBooks objects into AyaNova, and AyaNova objects into QuickBooks, and more features
AyaNova PTI V4.x optional add-on (PeachTree interface)
Peachtree accounting interface - create Peachtree invoices from billable AyaNova workorders, import Peachtree objects into AyaNova, and AyaNova objects into Peachtree, and more features

Buying your licenses through HaveAByte provides us a nominal commission, and is never marked up from AyaNova standard prices.  Prices subject to change by AyaNova and this page may sometimes not reflect current specials.  Click through on the links to show current prices with any specials that may be running! 

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